This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (the “Act”). It sets out the steps Listen & Like Ltd, has taken to prevent acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring in its business and supply chain up to and during the Company’s financial year ended 2022.
Our OrganisationListen & Like is a marketing and design agency based in the United Kingdom, For more information about the Company, please visit Our Business revenue is derived from client work.
Our supply chain. We engage with third-party service providers, including the following: Data centre and networking hosts, information technology infrastructure suppliersSubscription software providers Freelance personnel including, Writers, camera operators, animators Search engine advertising services, and online, media and advertising services Outside financial, audit and legal advisers.
Our Approach At Listen & Like, we are committed to operating in a fair, responsible and ethical manner with respect to fundamental human rights. While the countries, regions and industry sectors within which our organisation operates do not represent any particular risk associated with modern slavery, we recognise that slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking (referred to as “Modern Slavery”) are serious crimes and global human rights issues, and we take seriously our responsibility to comply with the Act and to assist in preventing and combating Modern Slavery. This statement includes a description of our efforts over the past financial year to identify and mitigate the risk of Modern Slavery in our business and supply chain and the policies and processes we have in place to report non-compliance. It is paramount to our way of doing business at Listen & Like to comply with applicable law and to act with the utmost integrity, honesty, and transparency. Listen & Like is committed to acting responsibly in all of our business dealings to ensure that we comply with applicable national and international legislation and industry standards, including laws and standards against Modern Slavery. Preserving an ethical workplace and supply chain that respects human rights is critical to our long-term success as a leading global, online automotive marketplace. At Listen & Like, we send a clear message to each Listen & Like employee and supplier: We want to grow our business, but only if we can do it lawfully and ethically. At Listen & Like, we obey applicable laws – including laws against Modern Slavery – and strive to hold ourselves to the highest ethical and legal standards; we expect the same of all of our suppliers. Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have a number of policies and processes that reflect our approach to ethics, human rights and Modern Slavery. As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have in place systems to: identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains; mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains; monitor potential risks in our supply chains; and protect whistleblowers. These policies and processes include:
Our Code of Conduct. The Code requires all directors, officers and employees of the Company to uphold high ethical and professional standards of conduct. The Code requires such persons to report any violations confidentially, as applicable, to their manager Our Whistleblower Policy Through both the Code and our Whistleblower Policy, we prohibit any retaliation against those who make good-faith reports of concerns about the lawfulness of any of our business practices, or breaches of the Code. In addition, our Whistleblower Policy sets forth a confidential process for reporting, investigating and resolving employee and third-party concerns related to accounting, auditing and similar matters. Individuals may confidentially provide information to the Company’s Audit Committee or to one or more of our individual directors by using the confidential and anonymous financial concern hotline that is operated by an independent, third party service. Human Resource Policies and Procedures for Employees In addition, to ensure that our employees are not subject to undue influence and are treated fairly and with respect, we have human resource policies and procedures, as well as onboarding processes and training, in place across all of our operations. During new hire orientation and training, all recently hired employees receive a copy of the Code as well as certain human resource policies and procedures, including our Whistleblower Policy. Looking Ahead In the 2023 financial year, we will maintain our practices and processes to help combat Modern Slavery.
This statement has been approved by the Listen & Like Directors.